Website Audit for
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Fill Out This Form
Complete The Discovery Form Below:
Tell me about your business:
Why should your customers buy from you rather than a competitor? (be specific of your Value Proposition)
What is the typical sales process/cycle? EX: customer calls, then fills form, then sets appointment etc.
What are the short and long term goals of the company?
What product or service would you like to sell more of?
What is the Average Lifetime Value of your average customer? This is your profit over the life of that customer.
Who is your ideal client?
What knowledge of SEO exists within the company?
A little
A lot
Have you had previous SEO on your site? If so, please check the investment level.
Under $500 per month
Under $1000 per month
Over $1000 per month
Please write as many keywords as you can think of that you would like to target online. (Keywords are words typed into Google that your website will be visible for, example "Toronto Dentist"
Please list specific cities you would like to target. If you're targeting nation wide, just type in the country or countries.
How many additional customers would you like to acquire a month? Please set a number.
Are you doing any other forms of marketing? Check all that apply.
SEO (Search Engine Optimization
PPC (Pay Per Click)
Video Marketing
Social Media
Offline Print, Radio, Media
What would you say has been your most effective advertising method?
What would you say has been your least effective advertising method?
Do you offer any special promotions to new customers? If so, what are they?
Who is your competition?
What is your monthly budget range for getting new customers?
What is your biggest concern working with a company for online marketing?
Questions: Call 289 455 1057 and leave a detailed message