What is Search Engine Optimization?
Do Your Competitors Outrank You On Google,
And Steal All Your Clients? THIS WON’T FIX ITSELF!
a smartphone and computer running google searchI need to tell you a secret about your local business…
Search engines like Google don’t know very much about you.
Sure they know you have a website, but that’s about it.
You fulfill your customer’s needs, you’re passionate about your work, and deep down you know your products and services are extremely helpful…. But Google doesn’t know, and quite frankly, doesn’t care. Sorry.
However, the reason is shockingly simple: It can’t hear you!
At the end of the day, Google is just a big computer.
So if you offer great services, and if you have raving customers, it doesn’t know any of this… Unless: You start speaking its language.
This language is called Search Engine Optimization (SEO). It’s the only reason why your competitors’ websites are getting all the customers, and you’re not.
Because of this, you’re losing out on potential business every single day.
Your Website Needs To Be The First Place Customers Go When Searching For Your Products And Services
These days, almost 90% of purchases start with an Internet search. Many of these are coming from a mobile device (smart phone, iPad, etc.).
When people search for your products and services, you need to be on the first page of the search results.
Woman using mobile phone to shop on the internetHere’s an easy example.
Charlotte just moved into town and realizes that she needs a new dentist, chiropractor, lawyer, gardener, and so on.
She takes out her cell phone and searches for your business in her local area.
When she looks at the results from Google, she’s going to contact the businesses which come up on the first page.
When A Potential Customer Like Charlotte
Searches For You On The Internet,
Does She Find You, Or Does She Find Your Competitors?
The truth is, there are hundreds, and sometimes thousands of people searching for your services and products every single month.
You’re LOSING these customers because they can’t find your website. You will continue to lose business day after day, month after month, unless you figure out how to get your website found.
Here’s Proof It Works For Us
StokesSEO, operates out of Guelph Ontario Canada. Therefore I want to rank first for terms associated with my business in this location.
And I do, because I have done proper search engine optimization to this website.
Check out these results for “Guelph SEO Expert” and “Guelph SEO Consultant”. We’re number 1.
(Click Image Below:)
You Need Results Like This As Well,
And I Can Help You With Online Techniques
That All The Major Brands Use:
Think of me as your translator.
Imagine you travel to a foreign country and no one speaks English. You step off the plane and you’re vulnerable. You’re tired, uncomfortable, and can’t communicate effectively with anyone. It’s painful, and you’ll probably end up getting lost and losing money.
Now imagine you’re traveling with a foreign exchange student from say Harvard. This student speaks the language fluently, and in fact was born and raised in this town! The student sets you up with a cab driver and explains to him exactly where your hotel is located, and that you’re here for a very important meeting. What a relief!
StokesSEO is this hometown hero. I’m the translator between your website and the major search engines. I tell them about you and your services, and they send you all the customers who are interested in you. I can speak their language, and I do this with Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
What Excuse Do You Make
When Asked If We Can Search You Online,
And You Don’t Show Up Anywhere?
With a bit of research, we would discover that you’re losing potential customers every month because they can’t find you online.
But there’s good news! I’m offering you a completely free website audit with a full video breakdown for those who successfully fill out the Discovery Form. Please go fill out the form now.
Recent Testimonials
Move Out Of The Basement,
And Into The Penthouse Of Online Marketing:
Page 1 Of Google!
StokesSEO business cardMy business card reads: Digital Real Estate
Basically, I move your website to page 1 of the search engines through SEO techniques I’ve learned and mastered over the years.
In return, this makes your website an asset, which continues to supply you with new customers throughout the year.
Once we make your website Search Engine Friendly, it moves to the best piece of online real estate. It continues to attract customers, day after day, year after year. Your website becomes a lucrative asset!
I Move Your Website From A Bad Neighbourhood Online,
To The Best One, The First Page of Google!
This is your solution to attracting new customers who are searching for you online.
Think about all the possibilities if you have a flood of new hungry customers visiting your website.
This is what I do here at StokesSEO. I put your website in front of customers who are searching for you online.
FREE Website Audit
With Full Video Presentation
Absolutely Free, No Obligations
(Valued at $297 – YOURS FOR FREE)
SEO Expert Tyler Stokes:
My Proven Strategy Will Help You Dominate Your Competition By Taking Over Google
Topics Covered:
Return On Investment
I Expose The Most Lucrative Return On Investment You Will Get From Your Marketing Efforts.
Gaining Exposure
I Will Reveal How Much Business You’re LOSING Because Your Website Is Not Optimized Properly.
Keys to Google Rankings
I Will Show You Exactly Why You’re NOT Ranking Number 1 For Your Services In Your Location.
Click Here for the FREE Website Audit
Now, I Don’t Know How Long I Will Be Able To
Offer These Free Website Audits…
But I Do Know That The Number Of People
That I’ll Be Able To Help Will Be Limited.
Once I have reviewed a certain amount of businesses, these audits will stop and I will no longer be giving them away for free.
Many local businesses have already received their website audit and full video presentation, and I expect many more to take immediate advantage of this amazing offer.
But there is a limited time offer here. I will only be helping one type of business, per location. This way I avoid any conflict of interest. It also means you should request a free site audit before your competitors do!
Over 1000 businesses have reported increases in their incomes last year as a result of the online marketing tactics that I use and recommend for my clients. Once it’s been repeated 1000 times, it’s no accident – it’s a proven system you can use too.
Free Website Audit – Click Here
Why Are You Still Reading This,
And Not Filling Out The Discovery Form?
As attractive as this offer is, I know from my own data that only some business owners who read this will respond. Although that’s okay with me from a business standpoint, it still bothers me personally.
You see, I know how much a website can benefit from high quality search engine optimization. I know this from statistics on my own websites, and through reports on hundreds of other client websites my elite marketing associates work with. Because of this, I just hate the thought of someone not getting this website audit because of some error or omission in my explanation. That’s why I tried to brainstorm all the reasons why you might say “no” to this free offer. After several hours, I could think of only three possible reasons. Here they are:
You don’t think you need a website audit:
If your website is not ranking on the first page of Google for several, sometimes hundreds of terms associated with your products or services, you need to find out why. The return on investment with an expert SEO is outstanding, and no business should avoid looking into this.
You don’t think people are searching for your services on the Internet:
More and more people are using the Internet every day. Not only are they using it for social interaction, but also for product research. Every month your “type of business” is getting qualified customers searching for information you provide. They’re searching on Google, and I will show you the numbers live in the video presentation I create for you. You will be shocked!
You think that this is too good to be true, and nothing is for free:
I love seeing websites improve from SEO, because this is my absolute passion. It’s all I think about, and I’m very fortunately for that, as I love my work.
This site audit is absolutely free, and I will be breaking down your website and explaining what needs to be done in order to get more customers to find you online. You can do what you wish with this information. You can take it and do your own SEO, or send the report to someone you think can do your SEO for you.
The point is, I want to explain that you can certainly improve your business with a better optimized website. This is a fact! Whether you choose to learn about how I can specifically help you is secondary. I want to first explain the opportunity you have that will allow you to do much more business when your website is optimized properly.
Thank you for reading,
Tyler Stokes